Desishub Lessons
Next JS and TypeScript
Next JS Commonly used Resources

Awesome Nextjs[Awesome (opens in a new tab)]( (opens in a new tab))

I have compiled a list of NPM libraries that can be used to develop small and large-scale applications with Next.js. The list is based on my experience as a front-end developer, and I have used 80% of the packages mentioned.

As I discover more packages in the future, I will add them to the current list to help other front-end developers build applications with Next.js more efficiently.

To stay updated, Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (opens in a new tab).


Officially for Nextjs

specifically for Nextjs



Nextjs boilerplate

Headless CMS

  • WordPress (opens in a new tab) - WordPress is an open-source CMS ready for production. Using the built-in REST API, WordPress can power any website.
  • Strapi (opens in a new tab) - Strapi is a powerful open-source node js-based Content Management System (CMS) perfect for small to large-scale websites.
  • Ghost (opens in a new tab) - Ghost is a popular open-source CMS perfect for creating blogs. It offers a simple, user-friendly API interface that makes creating and publishing articles easy.
  • Netlify CMS (opens in a new tab) - Decap CMS(Netlify CMS) work with all type of static site generators. It permits users to edit, update, and delete content on any site built with a static generator. You can use Decap CMS without any technical knowledge.
  • Forestry (opens in a new tab) - Forestry is a headless CMS easy-to-customizable, configurable and integrated with all types of static site generators.
  • Craft CMS (opens in a new tab) - Craft CMS is a flexible, user-friendly CMS for creating the web.
  • Payload CMS (opens in a new tab) - Build a modern backend admin UI with payload CMS. No black magic, all TypeScript, and fully open-source, Payload is both an app framework and a headless CMS.


Authentication and User Management

State Management

React UI Library

Icons Library

Static Search library

Nextjs based Template

Ready-Made Reactjs Hooks

Tailwind CSS

Development Tool

Error Handling

  • React Error Boundary (opens in a new tab) - The react error boundary package is a reusable React error boundary component. You can wrap your application with an Error Boundary component around other React components to catch errors and render a fallback UI.
  • Use error boundary (opens in a new tab) - The use-error-boundary is a react hook, it is built to handle error boundaries in your react functional components.

VS Code Extensions

Chrome Extension


  • Demo posts for markdown (opens in a new tab) - Demo markdown posts are used to design your new blog base template. You do not write markdown demo posts. You can use demo markdown posts with any static site generator which supports markdown. for example, next.js, gatsby, lume, fresh, etc. Demo markdown posts are written with Lorem Ipsum. I can use bold, italic, code block, inline code, links, images, and quotes in markdown posts.
  • 18 GREAT EXAMPLES OF NEXT.JS WEBSITES (opens in a new tab) - Demo markdown posts are used to design your new blog base template.