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Medical App Guide

Medical App Setup Guide

Thank you for purchasing our Medical App source code! This guide will walk you through the process of setting up and running the application on your local machine.


  • Make Sure You have an Uptodate Version of the source code, re-downmoad it even if you already download previously because i made some changes that will simply your life. Get it here (opens in a new tab)
  • Node.js (v14 or later) installed on your computer
  • npm (usually comes with Node.js)
  • A code editor of your choice (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text)

Step 1: Unzip the Source Code

  1. Locate the zipped file containing the source code that you received after your purchase.
  2. Unzip the file to a directory of your choice on your computer.

Step 2: Install Dependencies

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you unzipped the source code:
    cd path/to/medical-app
  3. Run the following command to install all required dependencies:
    npm install

Step 3: Set Up Environment Variables

  1. In the terminal, run the setup wizard:
    npm run setup
  2. This will open the broweser and Follow the prompts in the wizard to input all required environment variables.
  3. This process will create a .env file in your project root with the necessary configuration.

Step 4: Synchronize Database Schema

  1. Stop the server with Ctr + C , Run the following command on the terminal to sync your Prisma schema with the database:
    npx prisma db push
  2. This will create the necessary tables in your database based on the Prisma schema.

Step 5: Seed the Database

To populate your database with initial data, run the seed script:

npm run seed

This will create dummy data, including user accounts for testing.

Step 6: Restart the Server

If you had the development server running, restart it to apply the new environment variables:

  1. Stop the current server process (usually by pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal).
  2. Start the server again with:
    npm run dev

Step 7: Access the Application

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 (or the port specified in your environment setup).
  2. You should now see the login page of your Medical App.

Default User Accounts

The seeding process creates several default user accounts for testing:

  1. Admin

  2. Doctors

  3. Patient

You can use these credentials to log in and explore different user roles within the application.


If you encounter any issues during the setup process:

  1. Ensure all dependencies are correctly installed (Step 2).
  2. Double-check that all environment variables are properly set (Step 3).
  3. Make sure your database is running and accessible.
  4. Check the console output for any error messages.
  5. If you encounter database-related issues, try running npx prisma db push again.

If problems persist, please refer to our documentation or contact our support team.

Happy coding, and enjoy your new Medical App!